Olga Caballero

Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (IMN-CSIC)

Member fo the Functional Nanoscale Devices for Energy (FINDER) group at the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology (IMN) of CSIC. My main topic of research is the fabrication of novel thermoelectric devices based in nanostructured materials in order to enhance their properties. For instance, I am working in a project funded by Fundación Ramón Areces to develop a flexible micro-thermoelectric generator.

Tutorial 1 (ICMAB)


Thermal conductivity, nanowires, geometry, thermoelectrics


Thermal conductivity reduction in 3D bismuth telluride nanowire networks


The fabrication of 3D nanowire networks via electrochemical deposition in interconnected porous alumina templates has given rise to a novel nanostructure which presents properties that differ from the bulk original material. In some cases, such as for the thermal conductivity, the properties have shown dependence from the geometry of the structure, which can be tailored at will. In this talk, I will present our first results obtained with bismuth telluride 3D nanowire networks and its promising relevance for thermoelectric applications.